
Design system | UI | UX | Interactions

A combination of scalable intuitive UI and UX based on data insights is the foundation of Kökets design system.

Creation of a new grid, setting new design rules, and creation of new components. Everything from the smallest details in icons to informative cards forms kökets new web pages.

+247% saved recipes after release

The first page re-designed using our new design system was Kökets most visited page – the recipe page. A lot of hard work from the team with our new recipe page paid off and data showed great results. +49% more accounts were created and 247% more recipes were saved on average per week.

Clean, fresh, and friendly-looking user interface. Kökets look and feel were updated in its details to make it modern and be the best it can be on all kinds of devices. Still retaining its core identity with mobile-first execution and after that taking advantage of extra space.

Enjoy Kökets new look and my favorite recipe

